Kamis, 04 April 2013

Beauty of Amuntai

Hello Blogwalker, what is news? Hopefully my article this (one that is gotten from blogwalking's activity also) giving You new knowledge. Give your comment and Thanks.
Hulu Sungai Utara regency constitutes one of regency at south of borneo, Amuntai's capital. This region landmass 892,7 Km2, one that consists 10 districts, 215 villages and 4 sub-districts. Thereabouts population as much 214.050 consisting of soul 103.972 dan110.078's males female souls. Farm that is at this region constitute lowland that largely surrounding 570 km 2  consisting of swamp by and large wooded apemir's plant for example eceng gondok and purun what does utilitarian as raw material of whiz diligence.
Regions economic potency the greatest be sisektor agricultural over and above fishery, ranch, plantation and industry and commerce. Generally industry which growth at this region a large part 99,9 % constitutes industry littles and diligences that in sentra industry is sebanayak little 25 sentra. Partly co-op business activity that total 120 numbers, UMKM as much 67.500 person, commerce 8.912 person, meanwhile industry little and diligence as much 11.477 business units with labouring 21.792. With see picture upon therefore needs to know any kind which becomes superior product for regency Hulu Sungai Utara and also that as superior product priority that can be made as product that have tall competitiveness that can give signifikan's contribution divides region income.
Of total landmass that is at Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, largely comprise of lowland which slicked by good swamp farm that tergenang monotonously and also tergenang's one periodik. More or less 570 square km are constitute swamp farm and a considerable part haven't most utilize optimal alae.
Source: Internet

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