Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

American children learned make Klepon Cake

Assalamu ’ alaikum … Hello my freinds, how are you today? I hope you are healthy do ever. On this time chance, I will distribute one deluge of article hit learned America children make Klepon's cake, Indonesian original cake. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you …
Are not only strange food as burger just that come to Indonesia. Currently, Inonesian foods go Country that clears away America.
Indonesia participates in program Indonesian Food Day who is evened out around 113 elementary school at Washington DC, United states of america. Even Indonesia food at exhaustive 113 ES that, Indonesian Food Day's activity is centralized at J.C. Nalle Elementary School.

In activity that is opened direct by RI's Ambassador at Washington DC, Dino Patti Djalal this, J.C'S student. Nalle Elementary School enjoys to Gulai, nasi uduk from brown rice, orak arik and banana burns with otentik's condiments Indonesian.
Besides, student also follow various Indonesian recognition programs via activity colours, consolidated padan food the names, buahan, and Indonesian typical animal.
Interesting, J.C'S students. Nalle Elementary School also being taught by trick makes kelepon, traditional camilan Indonesian. ”SD's children at J.C. Nalle Elementary School really agog makes kelepon,” say RI's trade Attache at Washington DC, Beautiful Ni Made Marthini.
More than 30 thousand SD's students at Washington DC enjoys sajian Indonesia food on the time of day breakfast and lunch. A variety Indonesian food type that was chosen estimation thru by nutritionist and diet from DC Public School (DCPS).
Of proposed menu tens by KBRI Washington, DC Marthini says, presented alimentary default for elementary school student at ACE really tights enough, since has to correspond to nutrient rule, calorie, protein of digits and specified vitamin by nutritionist. Besides, food also may not contain oil overdose, fat, and sugar.
Indonesian food really difficult relative to be met at Washington DC's region the limited remember restaurant amount that victuals Indonesia. ”This constitute fair chance for our to promote kuliner's wealth Indonesian early on to ACE society.
Hopefully this trick is effective deep introduce Indonesian traditional food to children at Washington DC,”say Made Marthini.

Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua ”
Source:  Republika

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