Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Makings and Organic Fertiliser Exploit gets Local raw material on Kakao's Plant

-          kakao's skin
-          kakao's leaf
-          Stick
-          Herb
-          Straw
-          serasah
-          Den filth

-          Reap hook / parang
-          Drum / font for water place
-          Pail to keep activator
-          Wood as churn
-          Gembor for sprayer
-          Spade
-          Hoe
Dose: Its dose is 1 kg promi to each material ton
Makings process:
-          Insert water into font / drum. Needful water volume more or less 200 liters for each 1 m3 (cubic meter) material
-          Insert microbe solution into dosed appropriate pail one is required and swirl until is mixed
-          Make ready hole / rabbet at kakao's garden. 40x40x40's rabbet measure cm or is adjusted on local condition
-          Insert waste as stick and kakao's leaf endues to endue into rabbet already being made ready plant betwixt kakao
-          Siramkan is microbe solution on each its overlay
-          Compact each that waste overlay by at trample
-          After full and solid, close hole with soiled then trampled until solid
-          After at incubation up to 21 30 days, observe scrapheap as stick and that kakao's leaf. penomposan's process walks good if happening decreased tall scrapheap, if is held feels heat, odorless stings, are not dry, and waste have not hard.
Ripe compost marking:
-          black is tan colored
-          Soft and edge out is broken up
-          Stacked temperature have approached startup temperature
-          Odorless stings
-          Volume wasting to decrease half thereabouts it
-          Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: Brosur Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sulbar

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