Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Step Processes IKM'S Counselling

Assaamu ’ alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello again TPL IKM do blogwalking's activity and unpurposedly You Are maroon even at blog I this. I pleasantly You visit at my blog. This time I will write about Counselling Process Step IKM. There is Step even IKM'S Counselling Process is as follows:
a.       Acquaintanceship phase
On this phase both of clefts beginning party create one relationship. Entrepreneur IKM can assess that TPL IKM'S ability in solve problem that be faced and TPL IKM can decide what she has to give counselling or not.
b.      Phase begins

In initiating, TPL IKM arranges consultation with IKM'S entrepreneur hit word-of-mouth assent that words to play a part each, their expectation, their commitment, what do get and can't be done, and problem what does have handled.
c.       Phase is diagnosed
On this phase both of clefts party to choose problem's approaching IKM'S firm special as a whole. TPL IKM can utilize diagnosis tool in analisation IKM that. Diagnosis tool that dapa is utilized as Business Process, 5S, Kaizen, seven Tools, Full scale Quality Control, Full scale Quality Management, 5W + 2H, Productivity, Just In Time, and SWOT.
d.      Phase Plots
In does planning, firstly which shall be seen what does diprioritaskan by that IKM'S firm, what its intent and deal bases problem have already be identified, then TPL IKM with IKM'S entrepreneur establish problem who shall beforehand handle.
e.       Phase Performs
TPL IKM gives to motivate and guidance to IKM'S entrepreneur to follow work schedule already being made. In a general way this phase success clings to IKM'S entrepreneur involvement in solve program already being formulated on previous phase and IKM'S entrepreneur seriousness that to perform that work schedule.
f.       Phase Evaluates
Evaluation is TPL IKM'S phase measure activity success by compares among target which shall be reached by identifies what already be worked in company with entrepreneur IKM, giving estimation one how far result which is reached bases procedure and operation already be determined.
g.      Phase Ends Up
TPL IKM formally but tentative discontinue its relationship with IKM'S entrepreneur. In some cases, this phase require time because evoked dependency taste among entrepreneur IKM with TPL IKM. On currently, TPL IKM shall make sure entrepreneur IKM will its readiness to make a abode helps on proximately.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua

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