Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Casava Bimo's flour

-          At liberty gluten
-          Containing tall fiber
-           Containing tall calcium
-          Soft texture
-          Square with for various product as cake of wet, bolu, cake, pastry, biscuit, condiment flour dough, bread, mie, etc.
Flour Makings process Casava Bimo:

-          Make ready cassava
-          Peeled cassava
-          Then is washed until clear
-          Penyawutan
-          Ferment with BIMO CF'S starter up to 12 hours
-          Pengepresan
-          Drying up
-          Make so flour
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: STPP Bogor's flyer

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