Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Eat Banana! ! !

Banana constitutes fruit that is easily we find at Indonesia. Besides, its price is even also cheap relative to be compared with another fruit. But, maybe You not predict that fruit as simple as banana apparently have one barn of benefit, beginning of kardiovaskuler's protection, keeping in good health eye, fixing bone, and prevents kidney cancer.
Kardiovaskuler's protection
Banana is one of best source for potassium, namely mineral important one looks after normal blood pressure and heart function. Averagely, consisting of banana 467 mg potassium and 1 mg sodiums, can help high blood pressure prevention and atherosclerosis.

One studi that laden at Internal Archives Of Medicine reveals that food with tall fiber, as banana, helping liver disease. Research along 19 year point out that person that eats a lot of fiber, about 21 grams per diem, have 12% fewer coroner heart diseases, and 11% kardiovaskuler's diseases less as compared to that eat fiber little bit (5 grams per diem).
Keeping in good health Eye
Consisting of Studi 100,000 participant which asked for by mengkonsumsi fruit, vegetable, antioksidan A's vitamin,C and e, and carotenoid to evaluate formation astigmatism ARMD, point out that vegetable consumption, antioksidan's vitamin and carotenoid doesn't get bearing with diseased that. In the meantime, consumption buahan point out protections to acute astigmatism it.

Fixing Bone
Comsumption banana routinely will help Your body absorb better ala calcium. Banana contains a lot of fruktooligosakarida, one that constitutes prebiotik or good bacteria for Your large intestine. This bacteria memproduksi enzyme and vitamin that increase nutrisi's absorption ability and safeguards against criminal microorganism. Body ability to absorb calcium also gets better, so lovely for bone. Besides, run the risk intestinal cancer also dwindling.
Keeping Kidney Health
Riset from International Journal Of Cancer points out that consumption numbers and vegetable, particularly banana, regular's ala and be gets to protect body. Studi 13.4 years with consisting of population 61,000 age woman 40 76 point out that woman that eats is more than 75 numbers and vegetable about moon (or 2.5 per diem) trimming kidney cancer risk as much 40%. Between buahan another, banana the most protects.
Severally Tips:
Ø  Eat banana while its fruit quite a ripe, since gets ripe its fruit, therefore level antioksidannya also excelsior. (Riset is Innbruck's University Austrian)
Ø  If You want to hasten it ripe process, therefore puts banana in one paper bag or wrapped up with newspaper
Ø  Now have available banana product innovation namely banana flour and as mie's raw material banana.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua ”
Source: Healthy body

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