Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Benefit Numbers For Your Body

Fruits hold essential role in formation nutrisi which required by body. Following Fruits which nutrisinya's health and content benefit:
Apple contains carbohydrate especially while growing and rich pectin (a sort fiber). Apple contains flavonol quercetin the so called that in a few research have antikanker's material. Quercetin also contain antiradang's material so sickness benefit as arthritis. Meanwhile its nutrient content, apple contains vitamin c but not as much orange.
Stroberi contains ellagic acid as antioksidan. In a few research evident ellagic acid gets to block tumor growth in lung, osephagus, breast, cervix and tongue. As salving as traditional, stroberi was believed to have antibakteri and is utilized as cleaner of digestive system. Stroberi there are many contain vitamin C.
Melon contains tall sugar and lycopene what do function as antikanker. Red melon and orange also contain carotenoid that can protect body cell to free radical's damage and gets also be changed as vitamin A in body. Melon constitutes carotenoid's source and also contain vitamin C.
Lemon contains phytochemical hesperidin the so called that functioning as antioksidan. Lemon also source pectin that functioning down blood pressure and including fiber low fruit but vitamin source c and folate.
Mango contains carotenoid beta the so called crytoxanthin, one antioksidan who can safeguard against some type cancer as cancer of intestine and cervical bone cancer. Fruits included mango that rich carotenoid, fiber, and vitamin C.
Wine skin contains phytochemical is resveratrol the so called that evident gets to increase heart health, antikanker, antibakteri, and contains antioksidan. Out of work have fiber and vitamin content c one contemns.
Nanas contains bromelain's enzyme that have ability to describe protein. Nanas often being used as tenderizer of flesh besides beneficent helps digestion, describing blood coagulation, preventing sinusitis, and ureter infection. Nanas constitutes vitamin source c and fiber and contain tall sugar rate.
“Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua ”
source: Tubuh Sehat

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