Senin, 29 Juli 2013


Nanas constitutes mineral source, vitamin, and pretty good fiber deep wound healing process. Nanas can help hormone's balance body so so good for woman to manage menstruating cycle.
-          Ripe pineapple 1 kg (ground)
-          ketan's rice flour 50 grams
-          Coconut milk 1 numbers
-          Sand sugar accords appetite
-          Sugar palm sugar ½ kg
-          Butter 3 sdm

-          Skillet
-          Churn
-          Blender
-          Stove
-          Casting / tray
Dodol Nanas's Makings process:
-          Nanas was husked by skin it and removed by its eye then washed and pruned little that is easily to be done hulling
-          nanas's flesh is broken up by rasped or diblender
-          Draught nanas already been grounded by santan viscous, ketan's rice flour, and sand sugar
-          Half and half materials upon cooked then is swirled until jelling and issues sharp dodol aroma
-          If dodol has issued aroma that sharply and feels not gummy mean dodol was ripe
-          Lift and inserts into casting while heat to make easy prints
-          If was cold, then cut by measure terminologicals seelera then packed by plastic
-          Dodol is packed by use of plastic that doesn't adhere as onionskin
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: Brosur Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian NTB

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