Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Mie Corn

Why that mie shall corn?
At alone Indonesia, mie constitutes one of favorite food. Beginning from mie is dry as mie instan until for mie to nab as Mie Chicken and Mie Is Acheh that getting liked by largely Indonesian society. As one we knows that largely mie at this our state still to be dominated by mie gets wheat basis (wheat flour). While our wheat production peer contemns and dominated by import wheat. Eventually our corn production sizable and even predicted by we will can get self-sufficient corn.
-          Cornflour
-          Salt
-          Egg
-          Water
-          Onion leaf

Tomato candy

Tomato constitutes one of strategic horticulture plant and categorised vegetable both of biggest after potato. Industry already utilize tomato as raw material is industrial tomato paste.
 -          Ripe tomato

-          caramel's sugar
-          Sand sugar
-          Salt
-          Fork
-          Panic
-          Buffer tool
-          Tampah
Candy Makings process Nanas:


Hulu Sungai Utara’s regency that partly its region constitute swamp and swamp region that a lot of wooded pest plant as eceng gondok and purun. Purun constitutes wild plant at swamped region that just growing at Hulu Sungai Utara’s regency.
Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) are one of water plant type float. Besides recognised by the name of eceng gondok, at severally region at Indonesian, eceng gondok has alias as at Palembang's region is known by the name of kelipuk, at Lampung is known by the name of Ringgak, at Dayak is known by the name of Ilung Ilung, at Manado is known by the name of Tumpe.

Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Jelly is Guava Tingles


-          Red guava 0,5 kg
-          psir's sugar 0,5 kg
-          jelly's flour 10 kg
-          Acid citrate
-          Salt
Jelly's Makings process Guava Tingles:

Ice Cream is Taro

Recognised taro at society as material as traditional food. Meagrely technological touch, Taro can at o as Parfait which delicate and nutritive. Taro contains calcium and fospor which needed by body for bone and tooth growth.
-          Taro steams 200 grams
-          carnation's milk 1 tin can
-          Ovalet 1 sdm
-          Sand sugar 50 grams

Eceng Gondok potency Hulu Sungai Utara

Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) are one of water plant type float. Besides recognised by the name of eceng gondok, at severally region at Indonesian, Eceng gondok has alias as at Palembang's region is known by the name of kelipuk, at Lampung is known by the name of Ringgak, at Dayak is known by the name of Ilung Ilung, at Manado is known by the name of Tumpe. 
Eceng gondok has tall growing speed so botanical it is looked on as weeds which can wreck environmentally waters. In a flash plant eceng gondok is a dead loss. For around society brimming an river, enceng gondok is parasite plant that just dirty river and gets to cause river as jammed or slopping since enceng gondok is overdose. 


Nanas constitutes mineral source, vitamin, and pretty good fiber deep wound healing process. Nanas can help hormone's balance body so so good for woman to manage menstruating cycle.
-          Ripe pineapple 1 kg (ground)
-          ketan's rice flour 50 grams
-          Coconut milk 1 numbers
-          Sand sugar accords appetite
-          Sugar palm sugar ½ kg
-          Butter 3 sdm

Dodol Garut

This following material and equipment that is utilized on dodol's makings process that exists at Garut Regency:
a.       Raw material
o   ketan's flour
o   Coconut for at makes santan
o   Sand sugar
o   Wheat flour
o   Cow fat

Casava Noodles

Mie is currently becomes trend instan's food at Indonesian. It makes Indonesia become dependency on wheat import. Wheat can be replaced by indigenous tapioca flour cassava. Even we can make mie of cassava without has to make it as flour tapioca.
-          15 kg cassavas / tapiocas
-          50 cc waters whiting
-          250 cooking oil grams
-          25 salt grams
Casava Noodles's Makings process:

Indonesian People Becomes Animator’s Team “Upin And Ipin”

You of course it has once see animations film “ Upin Ipin ” Made from Malaya. Even origin it of neighbouring state, but apparently at turns back that filming available dari 's young energy from Indonesia. Are not only at “ Upin Ipin ” available Indonesian tastes, at other Malaysian animations film even can find andal's energies of Indonesian.
They are Marsha Chikita Fawzi and Aditya Prabaswara. Maybe not many person which knows both of person this because knockabout they really life and living at Malaysia, even both originates from Jakarta, Indonesia.
But, if hear word “ Upin Ipin ”, obviously everybody knows. Yes, they are either one team Las Copac, studio that memproduksi that Upin Ipin's film.

Sensational Marketing strategy

Its tights is market emulation at world partly push largely business agent to choose strategy “ out of the box ” or issue of utilised safe band market product or service that they offers. This trick is deliberate being chosen agents effort for mempopularkan brand  product that they carries and increase clientele angered taste.
Via sensational marketing strategy, business agent gets special interest procurement of extent society, until eventual a lot of consumer that most draw for buy product or service that is on the market market agent. Besides, make the point unique marketing make brand or brand what do be on the market more and more spoken by person, so doesn't close possible if superior product that You markets will get amends with spread promotion help from mouth to mouth consumer(word of mouth).

Packs Passing promotion Product

Of so much faced marketing constraint agents UKM in particular at kuliner's area, product pack becomes one of causative prime factor be hard it markets food product and also potion. Usually agents effort less so care with pack that is utilized, so they just pack its product with ala's case its rate, as e.g. utilize transparent plastic and given by tag affix of paper.
Basically interesting product pack value added give on product that You markets. Don't even rare consumers more being pulled buys a product since its pack that eye catching  (delicate being seen) even its product quality so-sos. Behaviour this is that needs You looking at, so product pack model that unique and pretty needs You to make ready to entice consumer candidate.

Making logo by online, which its trick?

Assalamu ’ alaikum Wr. Wb
Hello blogwalking all? What is news? Hopefully You healthy always so you can do blogwalking's activity and don't forget to come over at blog I this. This time I that posting will article that loads of making logo by online? ? ?
Without a lot of or ado a lot of platitude, this is its trick. Its trick is easy simple, You just visit one sites namely http://pt. cooltext. com /  . 
After you most link with that sites, therefore chooses logo that corresponds to to make mouth water you then edit. Simple??
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua

Make different! ! !

Increasing totals effort agent lately of course it beget market emulation becomes to get tights. Even now emulation among the one entrepreneur with another effort agent have in condition that getting complex, so each firm is now race to create innovation newing to keep its business existences.
Utilizing new innovation for facing market emulation  apparently enough effective to win aught market. Without marks sense innovation of agents effort, may simply boring nimble will consumer and its even business will sink in the middle multitude it emulation. Since that is, agents small enterprise and also respondent big for does ever get to innovate good in corporate internal business and also to increase resulting product competitiveness.

Linkedin, Media Correcting To Develop Business Network

Speak about social network sites, Linkedin constitutes one of professional network one that lately begins digandrungi society at various cleft universalizes. If another social network sites as facebook and also twitter more advance friendship network for users it, More Linkedin gets orientation on network extension carries on business. No wonder if a considerable part user Linkedin is little businessmen that wants to expand marketing  its effort.

Making Longs Time More Life

 (1 ) coronaries
Firstly obviously press coronary risk. We know muscle
heart needs energetic more blood flow (of coroner adit
one that gives it eating) that bugar and in function normal to pump blood no stop. To it, muscle cardiacing to need blood flow
one that more energetic and smooth. On foot jumpy to swift blood flow into cardiac coroner. Oxygen sufficiency thus cardiac muscle to be accomplished and heart muscle awakes to can make a abode adequately berdegup.
Are not just that. Arteries veined pliability practiced body
menguncup and mengembang will be helped by twitches it body muscle that lies around veined wall one time do hike activity is stir oneself that. 
 (2 ). Stroke

Giving life driblet

Hospital and PMI really oftentimes runs out stok blood. Consciousness begets this Indonesian society for give its blood stills very low. Let alone for give routine scale three-month blood once, really deep for life just is still a lot of that don't do it. Now presumed just six society percent universalize that have consciousness for menyumbangkan its blood.
Blood transfusion is process to move blood of someone body goes to the so called others body donor receiver. This process can't be done rampant. To that ditranfusikan can, blood shall accomplish severally stipubting. To donorer woman shall have totals minimal haemoglobin 12 and 13 for donorer for man. donorer age at least gets age 18 years and maximal 60 years. Besides, body weight pendonor shall also be taken into account. Minimal body weight it has 50 kg.

Benefit Numbers For Your Body

Fruits hold essential role in formation nutrisi which required by body. Following Fruits which nutrisinya's health and content benefit:
Apple contains carbohydrate especially while growing and rich pectin (a sort fiber). Apple contains flavonol quercetin the so called that in a few research have antikanker's material. Quercetin also contain antiradang's material so sickness benefit as arthritis. Meanwhile its nutrient content, apple contains vitamin c but not as much orange.
Stroberi contains ellagic acid as antioksidan. In a few research evident ellagic acid gets to block tumor growth in lung, osephagus, breast, cervix and tongue. As salving as traditional, stroberi was believed to have antibakteri and is utilized as cleaner of digestive system. Stroberi there are many contain vitamin C.

Eat Banana! ! !

Banana constitutes fruit that is easily we find at Indonesia. Besides, its price is even also cheap relative to be compared with another fruit. But, maybe You not predict that fruit as simple as banana apparently have one barn of benefit, beginning of kardiovaskuler's protection, keeping in good health eye, fixing bone, and prevents kidney cancer.
Kardiovaskuler's protection
Banana is one of best source for potassium, namely mineral important one looks after normal blood pressure and heart function. Averagely, consisting of banana 467 mg potassium and 1 mg sodiums, can help high blood pressure prevention and atherosclerosis.

Blood Donor is Indonesian’s Life Style 2013

 Branch Indonesian red cross DKI Jakarta asks out Jakarta citizen to make blood donor as life style. Donating blood is not merely emergency responsive action or social activity, but also wont form lives healthy. 
"As it were frequent said by Mr.JK (PMI'S chairman Centers Jusuf Kalla), blood donor necessarily becomes lifestyle society because of a lot of benefit divides health," say Blood Transfusion Unit head PMI DKI'S Region Salimar Salim's Jakarta. 
There is also person which gives its blood upon arranged by group activity or particular institute. "Initiative personaling to becomes pendonor routine is still circumscribed its amount," say Salimar. Former RS's head that Jakarta Pilgrim says, there are many benefit for person health turns back blood donor action.

Early Aging baulk With set Sleep

To live on it, respondent man for can meet the need its life. And to meet the need its life that, person has to work. Workaholic person, it will work noon and night, even seems to be doesn't know time, so it sacrifies one thing which really mean, which is rest, amongst those is sleeping.
Don't surprise, since its rushing, there is person which just have bedtime so circumscribed. Insufficiently gets asleep will beget negative influence on body, well short-range and also longterm.
Sleep is a process that so necessary for man, since in recoveries process happening sleep, this process utilitarian backs someone condition on situation originally, with so, body that formerly experience exhaustion wills be fresh back.


 Amuntai constitutes capital of Hulu Sungai Utara’s Regency. One of regency at south of borneo. All city have uniqueness and its own specification, so too with this amuntai city. At this city available fauna( animal) typical, which is “ mamar's duck ”( at knows with the title alabio's duck) and ” Swamped buffalo ”. Both of animal it was made by mascot amuntai city, even at amuntai city exists two duck statues that greatly and two buffalo statues.
In a general way person knows duck alabio , one that actually sentral hatch and its ranch exists at village mamar . This village surrounding lie 5 Km of Amuntai city. Where at this village its society majority continent duck and duck egg. In a one month hundreds thousand ducklings at silvan it, hereafter is marketted. There is mention even alabio's duck because main marketing place its available at alabio Screw Pine River district.


Jakarta city that constitute frequent Indonesia Capital once arranges various activity that at arranged by Government institutions, as exhibition of pledge SME product region at exhaustive Archipelago. Writer do ever active follow that activity. There is Inacraft, Indocraft, National Co-op exhibition, Indonesian Creative Product week, Islamic Book Fair, Book Fair's Indonesia, etc..
On the fifteenth 21st April 2011 last writer visits Inacraft's exhibitions 2011 at Convention Center's Jakarta. That exhibition feature pledge product each regions at exhaustive Archipelago, don't except Regency diligence product Hulu Sungai Utara, south of borneo.

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013


 Lanjutkan keraguan anda. Semakin anda ragu, semakin kami jauh didepan.
Jonni Lubis
Alhamdulillah ,,,,,,,

Biasanya berangkat Sholat Jum'at jalan kaki , Setelah Satu bulan setengah gabung di IBC , sekarang dah ada Sepeda Motor yg Baru , DP 4 jt. cicilan 1 jt/bln . Alhamdulillah 100% dari IBC.

Bagi yg masih ragu dgn IBC , silakan anda teruskan keraguan anda , sementara biarkan kami menikmati hasil karena kami telah lebih dulu percaya dan menjalankannya,
Buruan gabung. . .