Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Jelly is Guava Tingles


-          Red guava 0,5 kg
-          psir's sugar 0,5 kg
-          jelly's flour 10 kg
-          Acid citrate
-          Salt
Jelly's Makings process Guava Tingles:

-          Peeled guava and is broken up by blender until so pap
-          Pap is inserted into big pan, then adds water as much 2,5 liters for each 0,5 kg guavas, filtrat was added by sugar sand, jelly's flour, salt and citrate acid. Appetites appropriate increase.
-          Half and half filtrat guava tingles to be heated until boiling while continually been swirled
-          Last, jelly is guava tingles to be packed deep glass (cup) plastic and is iced at deep lemasi ice. After jells, jelly is guava tingles to get is consumed.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: STPP Bogor's flyer

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