Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Ice Cream is Taro

Recognised taro at society as material as traditional food. Meagrely technological touch, Taro can at o as Parfait which delicate and nutritive. Taro contains calcium and fospor which needed by body for bone and tooth growth.
-          Taro steams 200 grams
-          carnation's milk 1 tin can
-          Ovalet 1 sdm
-          Sand sugar 50 grams

-          strawberry's paste, chocolate, etc.
-          Parfait glass
Ice Cream's Makings process Taro:
-          Washed taro until clear
-          cook is hot water then inserts taro one we 10 minutes
-          Taro husk until clean slate then dices
-          Ground taro by use of blender, add few water until as taro pap
-          Add carnation's milk, sand sugar, ovalet, strawberry /'s paste chocolate, then churn goes on until be one and fine
-          Cool in lemasi ice until an a half frost
-          Put for of icebox and back churn doves 10 minutes
-          Pack in cup ice and back keeping in icebox
-          Ready parfait to be enjoyed and also is sold.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: STPP Bogor's flyer

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