Some people is still a lot of one hesitate about
this islam truth, don't except is their already claim as moslem. Therefore it
needs us to know that Islam are right for religion with severally fact
1. Name “ Muhammad ” is the most popular name
worldwide (although mahomed's false.. mohammed.. etc.) and stays second best
thread at English state for male baby name( in the first place stayed by name ‘
Jack ’)
2. Albany constitutes the one only state at
continent European one 90% its resident gets Islam 's religions
3. This following word permeated of arabic: Algebra,
Zero, Cotton, Sofa, Rice, Candy, Safron, Balcony, even ‘ Alcohol ’ also
indigenous arabic, Al Kuhl, that have mean bubuk
4. Severally sentence in Al Qur ’ an figures the
importance for rights equation among man and woman( maths arithmetic ala). Say
“ Man ” and “ Woman ” in Al Qur ’ an all same total 24
5. Nothing in Ka ’ bah
6. Islam constitutes religion that its fastest
growth at terminological the world a lot of source, estimated wills be number
religion 1 on year 2030
7. Trusting Hindu people that in Ka ’ Deluge
available either one their The Infinite that named ‘ Shiva Lingam ‘
8. SAW'S mohammed perform pilgrim religious service
just 2 hidupnya 's deep times
9. If present Al Qur ’ an is broken up, therefore
arab version from Al Qur ’ an will soon at recover by millions moslems, Huffaz
the so called already learn by heart word in Al Qur ’ an of startup beginning
until with ayat. 's final
10. original's name of Madinah's clean city is “
11. pemeluk is Islam increases 2,9% per year. This
growth is faster as compared to population growth earths alone one just 2,3%
about tahun.
12. Base data from Departmen United States Of
America defense. Of 1,4 million soldiers at military American, estimated
available around 3.700 moslem ones( Moslem).
13. spread islam goes to archipelago earth while
masi's Mohammed hidup
14. As much 8 million Moslems which are now are at
USAS and 20.000 USAS come in Islams each year scene afters 9 / 11
15. Prophet Mohammed's body have once wanted is
stolen 2 times, but both baffleds and one of that bone being removed by God
from bumi
16. Pharaoh body (Ramses II.) one that sinking at
red sea, Ditemukan new
by Giovanni Battista Belzoni's archaeologist year 1817. after 3000 year lie subterranean and pasir
by Giovanni Battista Belzoni's archaeologist year 1817. after 3000 year lie subterranean and pasir
17. Al Qur ’ an is innocent book the one only that
can be memorized millions men (Hafidz / penghafal Al Qur ’ an) so authenticity
/ its chastity do ever terjaga.
18. If other religion can have be more than 4
innocent book versions that variably one by another, therefore Al Qur ’ an
there's only one and no discrepancy in it:
19. Astronauts have found that planet Earths that
issues kind of radiation which get center at Mekah's city, correct it comes
from Ka ’ Deluge. One that surprises is radiologic that gets infinite's
character( are not tipped), that radiation through Mars planet and still
continued. researcher trusts that this radiation have characteristic and
linking among Ka ’ Deluge at at planet Earths with Ka ’ deluge at
akhirat. 's nature
20. Cast another research that stone Hits Aswad
constitutes eldest stone at world and can also float at air.
21. Pray is first to be done by Rasulallah Saw hads
up Masjidil Bastard is Afternoon pray with best friends, after previous gets
direction to go to Masjidil Baitul Maqdis up to sixteen bulan.
22. IBRAHIM is "Father" of three religion
outgrow, namely "Judaisme", "Christian", and
23. Amounts innumerable angel it and just God that
24. Islam, matter "submisi" or "give
up" to one The Infinite, God. "Islam" also comes from word
"regards", "peace" and the second one in mean "get
surrender self". such, mean of "Islam" are "perfect
tranquility that coming if our living gets surrender self to God".
25. Rasulullah has once cleft moon as 2 a part, with
just point moon with its finger. perpetuated by Allah in al Qur' an Al Qamar's
chapter sentence 1: "Severely was approximate days qiamat, and even moon
was clefted."
26. before Ibrahim Menginjakkan's Prophet its foot
goes to Makkah's earth have available Ka's building' deluge has already built
by angel and generasi
before Ibrahim's Prophet usa. That thing gets to be understood from word "Yarfa' u" enhancing matter enhances building already ada.
before Ibrahim's Prophet usa. That thing gets to be understood from word "Yarfa' u" enhancing matter enhances building already ada.
27. Misleading flow at Indonesian deep time
elongation up to 6 year just (2001 – 2006) have reached number 250
28. Rasulullah names available 73 islamic deep
factions, and just 1 one will come in jannah which is "Al Jama ’ ah".
29. Mohammed can't read and can not write, but its
herculean remembering and so smart.
30. Prophet Mohammed's last word before death is
"Ummatii … ummatii … ummatii" one that cast just how big its love to
31. Up to 23 martial times during Rasulullah
captains, for once drubbing which at moslem clan distress, namely, uhud 's
32. Moses A.S is name that right usually been called
deep Al Qur' an, meanwhile maryam is female name the one only the so called in
Al Qur' an.
33. Al Qur' an is bind books most sell readily at
eropa. 's continent
34. All Mohammed child, namely, Al Qasim,Abdullah
and Ibrahim, subtracted deceased more on age 2 tahun.
God deliberating to call they are earlier that moslem clan not lifts they as apostle which baru.
God deliberating to call they are earlier that moslem clan not lifts they as apostle which baru.
35. Priest Ali Bin Abi Thalib is person the one only
that has once came into the world in Ka ’ bah.
36. Hit Aswad that was downed from heaven, its color
is more turns white than milk, and Adamlah's posterity sin that makes it
37. Al Khowarizmi (mathematics), Jabir Ibn Hayyan
(chemical), Ibnu Khaldun (sociology and history), Ibnu Sina (kedokteran), Ar
Razi (kedokteran), Al Biruni (physics), Ibnu Batutah (anthropology) are example
of hundreds cendikiawan moslem that becomes reference in modern. 's
38. Hijir Ismail this preceding constitute Ismail's
Prophet home, there Ismail's Prophet stays during its life and then as grave
beliau and also ibunya.
39. Maqom Ibrahim is not cemetrial Ibrahim's Prophet
as it were assumption or opinion some people. Maqom Ibrahim is stone footing
upon Ibrahim's Prophet builds Ka' bah.
40. team Crucifies easterly coming while Bani
Abbas's Caliph lies in setback term. Unplumbed, there are many team member
Crucifies to interest to Islam and then joining forces by another Cross team.
Thomas Arnold, in Al Da' whew ila Al Islam, name that they come in afters Islam
see Salahuddin's heroism as reflection of Islamic teaching.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua ”
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