Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

No Riches which Can Buy Past

Hello My Great Friend. How are you today? Hopefully we do ever be given health. Amien. On this time chance I that posting will a story that tells an inspiratif's story. This writing constitute blogwalking's activity result I. Well, You are its face was impatient again to read its story. Let us read story that inspiratif this.
" To Time, Most verily human it aptly lies deep disadvantaged, but peopled devout one and works righteous charitable and advice advise so abide by truth and advice advises so menetapi patient" ( Q.S. Al Ashr).
Recited, under one tree which leafy, see much children is learning study that gave by a teacher, it is unique, between that children is looked a grandfather sits with them, following learns study that gave by teachers, that odd instance apparently noise about young men that fortunately pass that place. Accord study, angered young men previous draws near grandfathers, ask she to the grandfather: "grandfa, what is grandfather a teacher?
 "are not........, answer the grandfather
 "if doesn't learn, why is following grandfather sits with previous children?" the young men adds angered
 "what is its false seat with that children? Know I previously be study by that children,"

Lho" cannikins previous study for children....., are not for oldster as grandfather. Really it how old grandfather? Learned unashamed shuttlecock stands up with that children?"
 "my age is this year is correct decade..." jawaba the its grandfather while tersnyum.
" ah..., grandfather gets caprice if at a guess k,best of all grandfather age have 70 an years......." The young men while angered regular.
Hahhahhahahh, your riddle is right young man. If is accounted of while I come into the world until saati it, my age really 70 years. But 60 year have already I pass don't be accounted. One that quite a gets to be accounted is my life that ten its the last years," answer the mystery full grandfather.
The young men even gets to be made is at a loss by previous old grandfather explanation." why is term 60 year it is not is accounted? What it is meant?
While breathe is length breath the grandfather answers," since little until age 20 years, suppose that is best time for learned. But I utilize that time strictly for play and get santai.sebab  all wishes and need is provided abundant by my parent. Then 20 time next years which necessarily fight and meniti is careers,. Therefore I utilize to carouse and eat up my oldster asset. And 20 drd years, time that necessarily to gather my pension term savings, on the contrary I utilize for picnic am not known tujuanya. All asset which remains I disseminate since I just run after momentary joys. Attempt thoughts, are not 60 year have already kul passes that to no end sheer?'
 "how with ten the last years?
With blear-eyed eye the grandfather says, "ten its the last years I new am aware, that 60 tahun  my lifes have I pass through without eating, aimlessly, and without aspiration... I was bankrupt, out at the heels, lorn, have no friend who can help, and just life's of compassion other people pity. But since that consciousness appearance, I feel like new rebirth and deciding to study life from the beginning again," after stops momentary the grandfather keep on allegedly" young man... don't meniru  as what already I trip. Since, time is capital main one be had each man. About utilizes by all the best for studying, berusah, and gets career. Utilize your time for the purpose your excellency, therefore coming at your old day you will perceive to be happy. Kaerena is life you are not just good for self your alone, but shall also mean for others.'
Previous story is really figure one lajanan's pear lives that so bungled and disadvantageous. This constitute worth study not only for children and young person, but also for we all. No until we beat the air time while we have it. Evenless while we are still adequate full reach for all something which we want, the best one for lives we. Time is capital main and most valuable kekayan one is had one any one. Therefore not false if there is expression, times is money. Or more expression well worth is, TIME IS LIFE. Time is SOUL and what does be gotten dalah that life is prescribed by times. Everyone has same time 24 day deep hours as nighted as, even so, what do be gotten and also resultant by each individual is not alike. Given men can get tens production until hundreds million and various Sholeh's Charitables that so prestatif, while orang  lainya  just get tens cannikin until hundreds thousand sheer with so-so Sholeh Charitable. In meter same time, to amount to person can do various activity strategics, but some else men just kill time and does thing not utilitarian.
Men that has to effective living refraction usually can get benefit and supreme point of time that thiers. They are successful men the winner's alias. On the contrary men which its life wont not effective, just must slightly get benefit of time that dimikikinya. Alias flop brands the loser.
Never delays charitable Sholeh, since most man downs on narrow bones while life deadline was end.
"Rabbi, back I (to universalize), that I have done charitable that shalih to already I leave. " (Al Mukminun: 100).
Month end, if there is that retained being put hand out we, better we not delayed to perpetuate it with Almsgiving.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua

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