Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Indonesia was winked To Universalize

Assalamu ’ alaikum … blogwalker, what is news? pleasantly its taste you can visit my blog. On this time chance, I will posting article, where does this article constitute reality and article story this i am can of blogwalking's activity.
Early story, instance takes from this story an Indonesian college student at Aussie.
A morning, we pick up client someone at airport. That man was old, gyration 60 years onto. The Father is Singapore origin entrepreneur, with bicara's patois inspires malay and english, beliau tells its life experience to us one is still young. Beliau says, "Your country is so rich!"
ordinary hear that word. But waits before. "doesn's Indonesia' t need the world, but the world needs is Indonesia, "Everything can be found here in is Indonesia, You is don' t need the world." 

 "Edge out only, Lung Indonesia universalizes. Just hew forest at Kalimantan, and the world must doom. The world that needs Indonesia! is nothing's singapore, we can' t be rich without Indonesian 500.000 indonesian people gets holiday go to Singapores every month. Can appear ingoing money to us, our recent apartments that buy indonesian people, don't care extraordinary price, regular. See our Hospital, indonesian people all one gets doctor. Continually, you know how bewitched our Government while Indonesian forest smoke come in?
Yes, aptly makes we panic. Really feels, we is nothing's acre. You know cannikin if August 2008 yesterday rice crisis the worlds. Including at Singapore and Malaysia? You at Indonesian squashy get rice. See your state, fresh water all over, see our state, fresh water is we even buy from Malaysia.
I go to Kalimantan in order to carries on business, since its sand contains jewel. Visually glitter if there is shine the sun. Mineworker sells but Rp 3rb / kg goes to china's factory, the factory resales at the price Rp 30rb / kg. I see this as opportunity. You realize not if other states ever be cowed meng embargos Indonesia!
Yes, since state you have everything. They fear if you become independent, therefore it don't at embargo. Ought to You which MENG EMBARGOS Yourselves. Buy food of your farmers own, buy garmen's textile of alone factories. Not necessarily import if still can make alone product.
If you can independent, can MENG EMBARGO Thyself, WILL RULE THE WORLD'S INDONESIA!!
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua
Source: Http.//www. adriansyah sarjani. blogspot. com

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