Hello my kawan (friend),
How are you today? Have so long I am not posting writing goes to my blog. This
time I will share an inspiratif's story of someone. This article I get from
Blogwalking's activity. Hopefully gets we all's benefit. Amien …
Brain arranged
by (100 milliards) neuron and (100
trillion) supporting cell (crazy cell). Total one so spektakuler this (maybe
exceeds total galaxy at universe) forming brain hanks. Its interaction result
or its circuit forms think, experience and man person, although immanent
nonfisik's factors or nonlinear. Activity thinks and perceiving deep man
himself, are next form consciousness and its person, dinisbahkan on afferent
cell cell this.
In one human
head available two brains (left brain and right brain), and in consequence,
there is two thinks (rasional and intuitive). Left brain gets bearing with
rasional's activities, analytical, language, and mathematical. Meanwhile right
brain a lot of meaty structured one manages emotion business, music and
intuition. Left brain and right working one different way. Who that knows and
utilize that specialty will get gain that really wherewith.
10 intelligence
In Neurosains
(cerebral knowledge), there is ten intelligence kinds. First, verbal's
intelligence . Person that have this intelligence mengolah can say
considerably excitement. Men as Rowling (Harry Potter's
novelist), Tolkiens (Lord Of The Ring's novelist) and And Brownian (The
Davinci Code's novelist) including in it.
Both of, musikal's
intelligence . Idris Sardi (violinist) and Suprana's Dignity (pianis), as
have brain on carries the wind and altogether finger. They play violin and
pretend piano key without bepikir karena “ brain ” they was moving to its
finger. serbabisa Hetty Koes Endang's singer have ear and susceptible brain to
sound and tone. Their ear is sharp to differentiate sound as complex as
You know Sardono
Kusumo's dancer (one and only professor at Indonesian graduated SMA), pebulu
retorts Rudi Hartono, and Iswandi Idris's footballer? They are human one have
ability o great physical. All their body part that lithe, handy, but steady
becomes tool that features kegeniusan. Men as it memiliki kinestetik's
intelligence one that lovely.
cloth designer, photographer and pilot has kemampuan imaging 's
mental one that lovely, can make elaborate spasial visualisation of all one
is observed, mengolah draws sedetail may and can reproduce all their one sees.
Ability that disebut spasial's intelligence .
Someone that
have top in accounts, menalar, making rationalization, and thinks runtut, as an
accountant, kompuer's programmer, or expert researcher in term number and
logic, peopled matter as it memiliki mathematical logical intelligence
one that lovely
intelligence are
ability build communication among personal, building collaboration so edge out
accepted in a group. Person as it gets the picture train of thought and others
willingness by be so easy. They are diplomat, liaison employ, and entrepreneur.
If you tend to
become perenung, favor looks for something in self , smart
mengolah soul, more like relationship that intens with Creators, freelance
favor, choosing desert place to do something, and mengolah all the things with
gets orientation on thyself, memiliki 's matter interpersonal's
intelligence. Person that as it for example filosof (philosopher), teolog,
mistikus, or a sort it.
Three is intelligences
natural's intelligence , existential intelligence, and
spiritual's intelligence. Whatever that found hits ten this intelligence
kind, know that we all are unique. One that Esa Mighty gives to rack brains
that special to one any one.
Einstein's brain
Albert Einstein,
a part parental down on left brain pretty good amends, and has spatial mapping
ability (spasial) one that good. parental's sectioned developing down on
Einstein's left brain this 15% greater as compared to others (Deliberate
Einstein menyumbangkan its brain to ilmuan to been analyzed after scholarship
progress). Besides Einstein also have metematis's logical intelligence and
music intelligence.
So …
Facts upon point
out that brain humaning to provide top on every any one. We often mendapati
there is preeminent person at given areas, eventually at its environment that
given areas insufficiently get attentions or not available atmosphere which
fairly and backing up. By Creators, human brain was set in such a way face so
as tool which sophisticated for man.
we become one Einstein's smart? Its answer, not bisa memiliki's everybody
ability as Einstein, this because of dominansi otak each different man. We
just respondent for that I can - manage aughts tremendous
potencies on us them.
Each man has
dominansi brain with intelligence type that variably. Our task is smart dig up
our brain potency, fleet footed coaches it, thrifty look for its development
road, and moreover, make as force we to success. No prescriptive our
fruitfulness besides us sendiri—meski school even if. If you perceive less
profit at schooled / college, are certain that potency racks brains you may
can't be assessed by estimation system locally.
In consequence,
we are charged to know potency that we have, and reaches for fruitfulness by do
work. So, beginning of now, recognize loading your brain, begin to do work, do
something new and all to the good, beginning of now, don't delay for initiating
it at tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or front year, say proverb “ don't always
wait monday ”
“ Kayuh
Baimbai Mambangun Banua ”
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