Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Amuntai Utilizes What Aught Even To No Avail Forest And Mine Result

Since six district come to pieces self as Balangan’s regency, Hulu Sungai Utara’s Regency automatic source loss of yielding forest and coal mine. Even such is not afterwards make HSU'S Regency becomes its economics abasia. Bottom society is still optimism face that daring because Hsu what does get Amuntai's capital apparently is still keep pledge potency which is diligence and ranch. 
Every early morning Wednesday, Alabio's duck market at crowded Screw Pine River district by duck cattleman society alabio. Tens pick up's cars, rural transportation, and boat then grass takes in duck, egg, and also weft to be commercialized.

Marketer Independent

Assalamu ’ alaikum … My Great Friend, how are you today? I please You Are healthy always. On this time chance, I want to share story about 10 person Indonesia’s Marketer Independents. This article I get from blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you …
Internet was becomes one of the most marketing media keep faith. That is why, more and more person which to be internet as basis of their activity. Well to reach for gain, or also a only to develop talent and ability so can others benefit.
At alone Indonesia, use internet as trend media tries to begin amends. It can be seen of some bodies that can reach for fruitfulness develops their activity get Internet basis.
There is 10 reputed indonesian people can become fruitfulness ikon gets to carry on business through Internet. They are:

facebook's effect

Assalamu ’ alaikum … My Great Friend, how are you today? I please, You are healthy do ever. On this time chance, I will distribute one deluge of article hit facebook's effect. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you …
Since is created on 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, social network sites Facebook over and over "blamed" on problem sort. Beginning of destruction of nuptials, obesitas on child, until by Professor Peter Kelly, carry the wind public health at Teesside, England, if Facebook gets role in pervading diseased sipilis. 
Besides three that thing, there are many other effect from Facebook what do ensue to deteriorate. Following ten impact deteriorates Facebook

Good Bye Plotu

Assalamu ’ alaikum … My Great Friend, how are you today? I please, You are healthy do ever. On this time chance, I will distribute one deluge of article hit Plotu's planet existence. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you … 
Beginning 24th August 2006 must never slip to utter Plutos again. Since from that day on, Pluto was decided nevermore deserved slings predicate as planet. 

Nature phenomenon “ Oceanic splits To Become Two ”

Assalamu ’ alaikum … Hey My Great Friend, how are you today? I please, You are healthy do ever. On this time chance, I will distribute one deluge of article hit nature phenomenon at South Korea. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you …

This is phenomenon nature at Soth of Korea 
“ Moses Miracle ”, two times year happens low tides, open a grooves continent along 2.8 kilometer and wide 40 meter yang to link Jindo island and Modo island up to umpteen hours. 
A festival was arranged by for remember nature phenomenon and instance person of all world.
Kayuh Baimbai Mambangun Banua

Stage Fright theory

Hello My Great Friend, how are you today? Pleasantly its taste if You do ever visit my blog. This time I that posting will writing hit to make the point settles stage fright. This article I can of Blogwalking's activity. Actually writer also frequent experiences stage fright. To that is, writer looks for to make the point settle stage fright and tries men share this writing to readers all together …
What is stage fright? As is published of  stopstagefright. com , Tuesday (20 / 10 / 2009), You were looked on to experience stage fright if before person ahead speaking have perceived palpitate, dry mouth, vibrant voice, get sweat overacting and even bellyful.
If experience such a phenomena, are not That You may not will talk false or on the contrary forget (blank ) while performs, accordingly performa becomes not maximal or even so laughingstock material person.

Stage Fright disease

Hello My Great Friend, how are you today? Pleasantly its taste if You do ever visit my blog. This time I that posting will writing hit to make the point settles stage fright. This article I can of Blogwalking's activity. Actually writer also frequent experiences stage fright. To that is, writer looks for to make the point settle stage fright and tries men share this writing to readers all together …
One of its happening cause stage fright is stress. There are many person before does presentation to experience things: berdegup's heart taut as depleted as runs, Your palm is sweaty, Your belly is queasy and perceiving wants puke, each momentary goes to closet for “ downloads ” something, and so on. This phenomena as phenomena that emerging on heavy diseased sort. Eventually, not it truthfully be happens. You “ just ” being knocked over by fear disease converse. A few things that needs You do for get to settle stage fright are
1.      Gain control Material

Settling Stage Fright

Hello My Great Friend, how are you? Pleasantly its taste if You do ever visit my blog. This time I that posting will writing hit to make the point settles stage fright. This article I can of Blogwalking's activity. Actually writer also frequent experiences stage fright. To that is, writer looks for to make the point settle stage fright and tries men share this writing to readers all together …
You like stage fright if be enjoined "talk at common front?" This following available many method to settle it:
Good Perform with good medium language mastery. Language in here included voice mastery the most as communication device vital. Coach your way of speaking as optimal as maybe.
Consentrated is attention so gets to perform peace. Call away the attention on attending men or things pulls in hall, uneasiness thus can be reduced.

Grogi is excessive Positive Energy

Hello My Great Friend, how are you today? Pleasantly its taste if You do ever visit my blog. This time I that posting will writing hit to make the point settles stage fright. This article I can of Blogwalking's activity. Actually writer also frequent experiences stage fright. To that is, writer looks for to make the point settle stage fright and tries men share this writing to readers all together …
Sometime we as human as frequent experience this the one thing "Stage fright", if has no manggung's experience at various place but not tofu why each wants bandstand rise arise feel "nervous" or grogi and tipped on jayus's action that not clear. Nah lho, ribed is tuh urusanny's cannikin..!!
Following is tips to handle that grogi's taste. 
1.      Understand that feel grogi is positive energy


Assalamu ’ alaikum Hello My Friend. How are you today? Hopefully healthy always. Amien. On this time chance, writer wants to share writing about an inspiratif's story. This article writer can of Blogwalking's activity. Let us learn its story …
A successful young entrepreneur and on easy street enforced has to face its doom because skin cancer which acute effect sensitifitas is not normal to the sun shines.
Before deceased, to two its child that still youth gets to order:
 "Father will inherit all wealth and this effort on you both. Father just gives two that main order you success and on easy street as father but can enjoy it more long time."
 "First doesn't let the sun shines irradiates your straightforward skin too long, since maybe this skin cancer gene decline on you."
 "Both of, in business, never dun on customer."
After give that order fathers dies, without finds time to give more explanation a lot of. Both of that child vow will accomplish their father requisition.

No Riches which Can Buy Past

Hello My Great Friend. How are you today? Hopefully we do ever be given health. Amien. On this time chance I that posting will a story that tells an inspiratif's story. This writing constitute blogwalking's activity result I. Well, You are its face was impatient again to read its story. Let us read story that inspiratif this.
" To Time, Most verily human it aptly lies deep disadvantaged, but peopled devout one and works righteous charitable and advice advise so abide by truth and advice advises so menetapi patient" ( Q.S. Al Ashr).
Recited, under one tree which leafy, see much children is learning study that gave by a teacher, it is unique, between that children is looked a grandfather sits with them, following learns study that gave by teachers, that odd instance apparently noise about young men that fortunately pass that place. Accord study, angered young men previous draws near grandfathers, ask she to the grandfather: "grandfa, what is grandfather a teacher?
 "are not........, answer the grandfather
 "if doesn't learn, why is following grandfather sits with previous children?" the young men adds angered
 "what is its false seat with that children? Know I previously be study by that children,"

Most rich at Indonesia

Assalamu ’ alaikum. Wr. Wb
Hello blogwalking … What news? Pleasantly its taste you can visit my blog. This time I that posting will one article hit men most rich at Indonesia. This article I get from blogwalking's activity at's sites.
Year 2011, two corporate heir brotherses Djarum stills to become persons most rich at Indonesia. Base 2011 Billionaires List that dikeluarkan  Forbes , Wednesday (9 / 3 / 2011) local time, 1st position and 2nd person most rich at Indonesia was stayed By Budi Hartono and Michael Hartono. They saming to have asset for the price 5 ACE dollar milliards or around Rp 45 trillion (Rp's rate 9.000 about USA dollars). Both is at position go to 208 of 1.210 person most rich universal.
Appealed from smoke puff smokes Djarum, their wealth purse a large part indigenous Central's Bank Asia. Besides, they also gain control sawit's plantation as extensive as 65.000 hectares at Kalimantan West since year 2008. Both also have Grand's property Indonesian. Djarum already being prohibitted at United States Of America since 2009 with to amount to smoke kretek anothering to blast off Hermanos's Pack, one yielding premium cigar racikan Indonesia tobacco and Brasil.

One fourth my Centuries to Waitings

Hello My Great Friend. How are you today? Hopefully we do ever be given health. Amien. On this time chance I that posting will a story that tell waiting a Mother to its child. This writing constitute blogwalking's activity result I. Well, You are its face was impatient again to read its story. Let kit abaca forlorn story it.
Los Felidas is name one road at capital one State at south america, one that lie at area most dirty at all city. There is one roads causative story itu  so recognised, begun from story a woman beggar that also mother a little girl, are not an even that name tofu in origin, but some bodies pasts few tofu it, which is that it is not aborigin there, but took in by its husband of halmannya's kampong. 

As as smart as Einstein

Hello my kawan (friend), How are you today? Have so long I am not posting writing goes to my blog. This time I will share an inspiratif's story of someone. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Hopefully gets we all's benefit. Amien …
Brain arranged by (100 milliards) neuron and (100 trillion) supporting cell (crazy cell). Total one so spektakuler this (maybe exceeds total galaxy at universe) forming brain hanks. Its interaction result or its circuit forms think, experience and man person, although immanent nonfisik's factors or nonlinear. Activity thinks and perceiving deep man himself, are next form consciousness and its person, dinisbahkan on afferent cell cell this.

Bloods smeared gravestone (Martapura’s folklore – South of Borneo)

Assalamu ’ alaikum Hello kawan (Friend). This story from South of Borneo. Please to be read … ·
Mashor  are juvenile one get place live in village that now Pekauman  and Teluk Selong. Mashor comes from yang 's family hole in the wall, but has tall education and akhlaknya 's kindness high. He has membership read Al-quran which really nice is heard. Mashor as person unable comes on to work at rumah  Fatimah as assistant.
Fatimah  constituting girl of family wallow in money. They tinggal  at crosses Mashor's village, maybe present Malaya Village.  Her parent is constitute business man that have commerce relationship comes out region.  especially Singapore .
Mashor as assistant has a lot of work that harus  be done as bails water, cut out wood, etc.. Hari  after day, month after month that only that be done to membiayai  lives and its oldster. Up to few years Mashor works rich dirumah  it makes Fatimah falls in love stoned ala to her begitu  also contrariwise. But since custom that look after antara 's appointment tights virgin with bachelor makes their unknown relationship oleh  family.

I Plant Out To Love to Reap Love

Hello My Great Friend. How are you today? Hopefully we do ever be given health. Amien. On this time chance I that memposting will a story that tells an inspiratif's story. This writing constitute blogwalking's activity result I. Well, You are its face was impatient again to read its story. Let kit abaca story that inspiratif this.

Aisyah r.a says that beliau has once hear Rosulullah SAW states," If wealth asset has no almsgiving absolutely, therefore it will devastate it".

Indonesian Orphanage best friend that loved by Allah SWT, think by us that all wealth asset that we piecemeal gather until then membukit, and so do all responsible position and deep power our current grasp and tomorrow, will disappear deep sekejab outboard predicts us, its cause apparently negligible BECAUSE WE FORGET Almsgiving.

Single-sided my Nation life

Hello my great friend, How are you today? Have so long I am not posting writing goes to my blog. This time I will share an inspiratif's story of someone. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Hopefully gets we all's benefit. Amien …
Kick Andy, one show's talc event at TV's Metro, on 2 November 2006 present a stories that can arouse and does work ably and proprietary potency.
Telling story Buyung around 40 years, suffer sightless effect continuous measles. Life stands up with Amai (mother) Nila at Payakumbuh, Sumatra is Western. After been stayed behind dead by husband, Amai Nila to be the insurer life charges. But along with crescent it age, Amai is Judges have can't work since health problem. To hang life to Sonny, nearly impossible.

Don't Take Their Happyness

Assalamu ’ alaikum … Hello kawan (Friend), how are you today? I hope you are healthy do ever. On this time chance, I will distribute one deluge of article hit children that am happy while play, but they don't know if their mother have no. This article I get from Blogwalking's activity. Please to be read and gives Your comment. Thank you …
An afternoon while men be busy snatch time for shortly goes home to house each afters do its work routine, at one halte busway appears a father with 3 its child that still small. They are waiting busway coming that momentarily will take in them go to home.
Child third that gets vicinity age 8,5 and 3 years. Child most little such as a daughter,it so lovely in nestle Daddy. meanwhile is child second that son be glad plays to run. That’s child characteristic all the worlds.

Indonesia was winked To Universalize

Assalamu ’ alaikum … blogwalker, what is news? pleasantly its taste you can visit my blog. On this time chance, I will posting article, where does this article constitute reality and article story this i am can of blogwalking's activity.
Early story, instance takes from this story an Indonesian college student at Aussie.
A morning, we pick up client someone at airport. That man was old, gyration 60 years onto. The Father is Singapore origin entrepreneur, with bicara's patois inspires malay and english, beliau tells its life experience to us one is still young. Beliau says, "Your country is so rich!"
ordinary hear that word. But waits before. "doesn's Indonesia' t need the world, but the world needs is Indonesia, "Everything can be found here in is Indonesia, You is don' t need the world." 


Hello kawan (Friend). How are you today? Hopefully we do ever be given health. Amien. On this time chance I that memposting will a story that tells an inspiratif's story. This writing constitute blogwalking's activity result I. Well, You are its face was impatient again to read its story. Let us read story that inspiratif this.
Have we ever as once paying attention how patterns eating and eating menu Fatherless and Dhu' afa around we or at Panti Panti or Pesantren what does keep all Fatherless and Dhu' afa? or as once ask its bag content?
Why is that children so fun it by lives that all the way circumscribed it? Origin days that meet mouthful two rice bribe with lauk what marks sense they was really thank and merrymaking.